Lions Gate: The Bridge Free Enterprise Built


Dateline: 06/07/99

1. Most of the details in this account were taken from an article
entitled "The Lion's Gate Bridge — The Great Canadian Bridge
Game" in the June and November 1976 issues of B.C. Historical
News. The article was based on a manuscript of Joan D.
Stockdill on the life of her father, A.J.T. Taylor.
2. B.C. Historical News, June 1976 page 21.
3. ibid page 27. Further quotations in this interview from page 28.
4. B.C. Historical News, November 1976 page 19
5. ibid page 21
6. ibid page 21
7. ibid page25
8. ibid page 26
9. Vancouver Sun, November 10. 1954
10. Lions Gate Project News, May 1, 1999

Prologue | Opening Moves | The Vancouver Plebiscite

"Bennett's Private Blockade" | Endgame | Epilogue | Footnotes

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